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Monday, September 3, 2007

Racism in Jena, LA

Looking at the racial situation in Jena, LA I can not help but see shades of the Scottsboro boys...however unlike most white people I am not surprised at this utterly disgusting display of racism. It is the whites in this country that prefer to cover their eyes and pretend racism has disappeared, a fact I have been steadily arguing against for as long as I can remember. Whites know that this type of racism exists, they consciously turn a blind eye to the disgruntled minority they believed to somehow be content.

BUT HOW?!?!?!?

How can a people be content when they have been prevented from rising? Prevented from rising by the very people who tell them they have somehow reached equality... this elusive equality that the white protects with guns and poverty and, of course, the law. Yes! I see what civil rights has done it has allowed the government to prosecute the victim of a crime! It has allowed racist bigots to bring the victim of years of exploitation to trial in the name of justice.

As Malcolm X stated you can't fault the sick for being have to fight the sickness. And that sickness is the racism that still persists in the United States...and when I say UNITED STATES i mean the entire country not just the back water towns of the deep south. Which is why this story has recieved little to no publicity at all, America chooses to ignore because white America knows...race relations and inequality have only improved on paper. In writing only not in action or thought.

I guess we can all rest tonight knowing young Mychal Bell is going to jail, judged by a jury of his peers...O! WAIT! They aren't his peers are they!?!?! NO! He was convicted by a jury who just happened to be 100% white...

"An all-White jury convicted Mr. Bell of two felonies--aggravated battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated battery--and faces up to 22 years in prison when he is sentenced on July 31."

The coverage of this outrageous ruling and that of the events that proceeded it, as I have mentioned, have recieved little to no coverage from the media. In fact they have recieved about as much as another incident that occured this year that displays the strength and power of American racism...that of the Supreme Court ruling against Busing schools in an attempt at de-segregation, well of course they'll say that it isn't about de-segregation, but it seems "they" could not handle the small amount of desegreation that Busing provided!

What I am advocating is not a peaceful march and protest in Louisiana...What I want is something more! Something that would show the racist powers that be in this government that it is time to be afraid because a new day is dawning! And their vice grip of hate is finally going to be released either by their own volition or they will indeed be forced! This is not a time for passive protest! A march is needed not just on Jena, or Selma, or Atlanta but everywhere! The United States has exploited it citizens for too long!

This is not an incident for only Louisiana to worry about, or the south it is greater then that! Much greater and much more important! Let the martyred souls of Malcolm X and Martin Luthor King rise from the ashes! Let the discourse of WEB Dubois and Marcus Garvey come to life and build a new legacy of African American Pride! Now is the time for action! Nothing will solve this horrible problem, this epidemic, but staunch and unrelenting doscourse and action against the racism that hovers over this country everyday.

"'Conservatism' in America's politics means 'let's keep the niggers in their place.' And 'Liberalism' means 'let's keep the knee-grows in their place- but tell them we'll treat them alittle better; let's fool them more, with more promises. With these choices, I felt that the American Black man only needed to choose which one to be eaten by, the 'liberal' fox or the 'conservative' wolf- because both of them would eat him."
-Malcolm X

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